Elliott Family

Elliott Family

Monday, May 17, 2010


I had been married for over a year when I learned what that word meant. I was 21. Talk about naive ;) I remember a friend telling me she was concerned about getting married because of it. And I thought she was talking about infertility. What a strange reason to not get married??? I thought.

Chad and I have been married for almost 8 years. And it has been the hardest and most wonderful thing in my life. Aside from my relationship with Jesus, that is. I was so protected all my life & have been so devout in my faith from early childhood that I took so many things for granted. We have, as of late, become surrounded by couples who have suffered infidelity and divorce. And it's hurting my heart so deeply. I look at our culture from an "Anthropological" viewpoint (to steal a term from Bones that I really don't know enough about to quote but nevertheless I'm abusing it) and I see a people who are so carnal and sensual it's just absolutely ridiculous. When did we get so self-focused?? So unwilling to take a punch and stay in the fight?

It makes me think...We've been watching this new series on tv about America and seeing all that the settlers went through & other people of previous generations & I feel like with all the obstacles they had to overcome they grew a sense of responsibility and self-control that we have the misfortune of missing out on.

Or do we?

The things we have to overcome are so hidden & I'm not really sure we're seeing them as what they are. We accept things without question because it's culturally the norm...Bu is it right? We are such cowards! We don't stand up for what's right. We don't fight for our marriages. We don't fight for our friends. Or our kids. We give in to whatever is easiest. What will we look back on when we're old and see how stupid we were about the decisions we made? The easy routes we took? The things we did that were culturally accepted but absolutely unBiblical?

I am so blessed to have friends worth fighting for. Whose marriages are worth fighting for. Whose kids are worth fighting for. I've made the mistake of taking the easy road at times. Of not telling someone to fight for what's right. I know it's a sticky subject because I won't challenge someone who's not close enough to receive it in love. I'm not talking about judging people. But sometimes you need someone to give you a healthy rebuke. Someone to tell you it's worth the fight. That THEY are worth fighting for. And that Jesus loves them & cares about them. And HE fought for them. He went to the cross for them. And just as we receive grace, we are to offer grace. Have you accepted the grace He offers to even be able to understand it?

I realize this is a very vague rant from my soapbox, lol ;) But I just wanted to get it off my chest. I am fortunate enough to have some wonderful friends who will tell me I'm doing something wrong. AND family. And it's certainly not easy. And, oh yes, I defend myself; and God has to deal with me & break me down! But at least I know I've got someone in my corner who cares about what's truly best and not just the simplest thing to do to get out of a sticky situation. I pray that I'm the kind of friend who will always care about truth & what's Biblical and not just get stuck on current circumstances. And that I'll be bold enough to share.

I'm not saying that there aren't situations where throwing in the towel is right. But before you make that decision, seek Godly counsel. From someone who will speak truth. BE someone who will speak truth. And if you don't know what truth is, seek it.

1 comment:

David and Donna said...

You are so right- our marriages and families are worth fighting for.