Elliott Family

Elliott Family

Monday, July 6, 2009

"My name is Christie"

"...and I'm a faithful believer in Jesus Christ."

When I was teaching preschool, there was an AA group that met right across the hall from my room & in between classes, I enjoyed watching them & sometimes picking up on bits & pieces of what was going on in there. I was captivated by their honesty & vulnerability. It made me think about joining even though I've never had a full glass of any alcoholic beverage, lol!

Our church is doing a ministry, Celebrate Recovery, that works in the same way as AA but for everyone! It helps you overcome "hurts, habits, & hang-ups," which we ALL have, whether we recognize and confess it or not. I don't get to attend regularly but I just wanted to mention it for a couple reasons...One, if it sounds inviting to have an environment where you can confess your struggles and have a group of people who will accept you as you are, encourage you through your rehabilitation & pray for you, let me know & I will tell you more about it! And, two...I wanted to share what my struggles are.

I struggle with time management and being OCD (the 1st is mostly caused by the 2nd) and with my attitude. By God's grace, I have overcome anxiety & depression! I hesitate to say that because I know my tendencies & recognize I could struggle with them again but at least I can say it for now! I may update periodically on how I am doing in those areas :) Oh...and I definitely struggle with fear from time-to-time when it comes to my kids' health.


Now, about my kids!
My sweet Isaac is able to roll over! Stomach-to-back but also back-to-side, so I figure if he had any reason to desire being on his stomach, he could go back-to-stomach, too :) Yesterday was his first day to do it totally SOLID by himself!! He's just precious! We took him to the Pediatric Gastrointerologist recently for his "loose stool" problem. They did a couple tests but overall believe everything will prove he's just fine! I will post when I get results.

And, Neena, my little 110%-er. She's currently in the washing machine. Trying to put the clean clothes in the dryer. I am in the process of learning to discipline a nearly-5 yr old. It's more difficult than a toddler. Your words, attitude, and timing matter a lot more. And choosing your battles is tough, too, at least with a child who pushes you on everything. I have to remind myself that one day she will be able to make a good choice the first or I'd even settle for the 5th
time without having to be corrected! :) Oh, how I love her. She will never have trouble making her mind up when she's older, at least. She stays in a constant state of making up her own mind! I can't imagine feeling that way; good thing her daddy understands her :) He is a constant encouragement for me, thank you, Lord!

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