Elliott Family

Elliott Family

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blame it on my childhood

I never had a dog growing up. Mom would've had one in a heartbeat for us but Dad was anti-dogs. Not sure why.

When Chad & I first got married, we had a dog. I was so excited about it! I thought I liked dogs till then. It was neat to try it out for a while. But reality set in. I tried to enjoy her kisses & constant companionship but it just got on my nerves. Luckily for me, she got trained off our electric fence & we had to give her away.

I have no idea how you all can put up with them.

Right now we are dog-sitting. Kate is a scotty & she's sweet enough to endure Neena, which says a LOT for her. But already she's peed on the carpet twice--not to say that it was her fault. coughCHADMICHAELcough But I'm sorry. After that, it's all over! I don't pee on the floor. I don't let my kids pee on the floor. And I definitely won't have an animal that can pee on the floor!

On the other hand...Neena is never happier than when Kate is over. She loves to have someone to control, er, take care of. And I'm going to give in soon & let her get one. sigh. You can be praying for me when we do. Or start praying now that I'll be able to love or at least tolerate the poor thing. B/c we all know who has to take care of it. And if you knew our past history with fish, you'd be fearing for its life. Still struggling with some guilt over that...But my theory is that b/c it's an animal who can remind me to feed it, we'll be ok :)

So, I've got till she's 6 :) The clock is ticking...


allenandlailablog said...

Hmmm...being honest here, I don't think an animal will be a good idea at 6 or 7 or 8 (lol)...but...if you're going to get one I recommend a large one...at least it will have a bigger bladder and it will be too big to pick up or injure :)

Unknown said...

I am NOT an animal person. There, I've said it. I don't think I'm evil...we just never had pets. There is a lot more clean up, more money, more restraints on what you can do. That being said, I married a man who loves animals and am the step mom to both a cat and a dog. The saving grace is that Alexander LOVES them to pieces and thinks they are the bees knees.

Unknown said...

I suggest that when you get a dog you best go with one that does not shed ..... or you definitely will not appreciate it. And the size does not matter. We have 3 mini Schnauzers and once they pass the puppy stage they can "hold" longer than you would think. (We actually have a Canadian champion in our so-called pack and raised her 2 litters.) P.S. They LOVE the car!